Si è conclusa la selezione dei progetti in-kind presentati dal CNR alla ERA NET sui Climate Services, ERA4CS.
I progetti finanziati sono:
SERV_FORFIRE: Integrated services and approaches for Assessing effects of climate change and extreme events for fire and post fire risk prevention.
Coordinatore generale del progetto: Dott. Rosa Lasaponara, IMAA CNR
MEDSCOPE: MEDiterranean Services Chain based On climate PrEdictions.
Responsabile nodo CNR: Dott. Susanna Corti, ISAC CNR
INDECIS: Integrated approach for the development across Europe of user oriented climate indicators for GFCS high-priority sectors: agriculture, disaster risk reduction, energy, health, water and tourism.
Responsabile nodo CNR: Dott. Roberto Coscarelli, IRPI CNR
DustClim: Dust Storms Assessment for the development of user-oriented Climate Services in Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe.
Responsabile nodo CNR: Dott. Lucia Mona, IMAA CNR
A tutti i partecipanti CNR selezionati vanno le migliori congratulazioni e un augurio di buon lavoro!
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The selection of proposals presented by CNR to the ERA NET on Climate Services, ERA4CS, has been completed.
Funded projects are:
SERV_FORFIRE: Integrated services and approaches for Assessing effects of climate change and extreme events for fire and post fire risk prevention.
Project Coordinator: Dr. Rosa Lasaponara, IMAA CNR
MEDSCOPE: MEDiterranean Services Chain based On climate PrEdictions.
Responsible for the CNR node: Dr. Susanna Corti, ISAC CNR
INDECIS: Integrated approach for the development across Europe of user oriented climate indicators for GFCS high-priority sectors: agriculture, disaster risk reduction, energy, health, water and tourism.
Responsible for the CNR node: Dr. Roberto Coscarelli, IRPI CNR
DustClim: Dust Storms Assessment for the development of user-oriented Climate Services in Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe.
Responsible for the CNR node: Dr. Lucia Mona, IMAA CNR
Congratulations to all successful CNR participants!