EUPORIAS Second Climate Services Masterclass: water, health and food security in a changing climate. Eurac. Bolzano/Bozen, Italy, 16-20 May 2016
After the first successful edition ( EUPORIAS is launching the second climate service master class for this coming spring. Climate service development require a new framework for the interaction between users and provider of climate information. The EUPORIAS second climate service masterclass wants to be a further step in the direction of co-production where new climate services prototypes could be developed but, more importantly, where new protocol for interaction could be explain and presented in a hands-on fashion.
This is a one-week event for postgraduates and early career research scientists from any discipline and for representatives of the public and private sectors with an interest in climate related issues from seasonal to longer time scales.
The masterclass is organized with general lectures in the morning and hand-on sessions during the afternoons about water, health and food security sectors. Participants will work together in small interdisciplinary groups throughout the week to develop specific prototypes taking advantage of the lessons learnt and the innovative tools developed in the most recent European and international initiatives
More information about the course can be found at