Established in May 2024 to enhance the communication activities of the Department of Earth System Sciences and Environmental Technologies and to promote synergies and coordination between the department and its 12 affiliated institutes, the Working Group for “Communication” is coordinated by the DSSTTA and is made up of members of the network of CNR Communication and Press referents. The working group, with a four-year mandate, is committed to identifying a new coordinated communication strategy for the DSSTTA scientific network.
The activities include an initial phase of systematization and comparison of resources and communication tools within the departmental network, both through a sharing process aimed at reorganizing information and developing good practices that together promote virtuous exchanges within the network, and through the launch of shared initiatives (monthly newsletter, department brochures, other thematic communication products to be developed jointly between the department and the network of institutes). The need to harmonize the communication process and strengthen communication channels in the departmental macro-area of Earth System Sciences and Environmental Technologies also intends to respond to the start-up phases of the CNR Relaunch Plan and the dynamic evolution that may concern the current strategic areas of the Department.
The coordination of information of common interest to the departmental scientific network may in turn generate proposals for new ways of involving and promoting activities that involve interactions between Institutes for design, infrastructural, institutional purposes, as well as those connected to scientific diplomacy and the evolution of research fields.
The second phase of the activities to be implemented, in addition to providing for a consolidation and evolution of the shared activities started in the first phase, will be focused on the definition of effective communication methods specific to external interlocutors (including external research bodies and institutions, citizens, companies).
- Integrated analysis of the current communication strategy of the individual Institutes and of the DSSTTA starting from the definition of the reference context and the in-depth analysis of the following parameters: conceptual and visual identity; mission, activities and values promoted; characteristics of the target audience (internal and external interlocutors); internal and external dynamics of the institution; communication methods, means and channels of communication
- Creation of a new coordinated communication strategy of the scientific network of the Department of Earth System Sciences and Environmental Technologies, defining the communication flows between Institutes and DSSTTA and vice versa, and integrated with the DSSTTA Dissemination Group to be established
- Definition of a strategic plan broken down into the following points:
- definition of specific medium and long-term objectives
- clear identification of target audiences, with possible definition of specific communication methods for internal and external interlocutors (e.g. external research institutions, citizens, companies)
- formulation of key messages consistent with institutional objectives
- selection of the most appropriate communication channels, including the possible implementation of the DSSTTA web page
- designing concrete actions to achieve the set objectives
- Coordination of information of common interest to the departmental scientific network and possible proposal of new methods of involvement and promotion of activities that foresee a complete or partial interaction between Institutes for design, infrastructural, institutional purposes, as well as those connected to scientific diplomacy and the evolution of research fields
- Constant updating and interaction of the activities planned and carried out by the DSSTTA Communication Working Group with the Communication and Press Office Units of the CNR, in line with the organizational and operational directives and indications given by the Managers of the two units for their respective competences
Activity coordination |
Annalisa Iadanza |
Internal Collaborator |
Daniela Beatrici |
Contact persons |
Anna Lisa Alessi; Girolama Biondo |
Ilaria Mazzini; Margherita Giuffrè |
Assunta Donato |
Marco Segreto |
Licia Fanti |
Andrea Miccoli |
Lucia Cherubini; Valentina Di Paola |
Federica Fiorucci; Paola Salvati |
Agata Gallipoli |
Paola De Nuntiis; Marco Maria Grande |
Laura Giordano; Patricia Sclafani |
Francesca Spataro; Jasmin Rauseo |
GdL Collaborators |
Communication and social promotion activities services |
Giorgia Ghergo |
Gabriele Rosatini |