Dal 27/05/2024 ore 19.30 al 29/05/2024 ore 14.30.

Following the success of previous EMRA workshops (Cnr-Rome 2014, IST-Lisbon 2015, NCL-Newcastle 2016, VICOROB-Girona 2017, UL-Limerick 2018, IFREMER-Toulon 2019, Univ. Pisa-online 2021, NOC-Southampton 2022, and UNIZG-FER-Sibenik 2023), in the Tenth Anniversary of the first edition held in Cnr headquarters in Rome, the Institute of marine engineering of the National Research Council of Italy (Cnr-Inm) will host the next Workshop on EU-funded Marine Robotics and Applications from 27th to 29th May 2024.
Organised under EU projects MONUSEN, MAELSTROM, UWIN-LABUST, SeaTecHub, FAITH, and DIH …

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