Luigi Mazari Villanova (1) e Luca Papi (2)
Ottobre 2014
1. Dipartimento Scienze del Sistema Terra e Tecnologie per l’Ambiente
2. Dipartimento Ingegneria, ICT e Tecnologie per l’Energia e i Trasporti
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SAPERE is a project part of the larger initiative of the Italian Aerospace Cluster (CTNA) which aims at coordinating the italian space sector, developing its industrial, scientific and academic components.The project follows the key references given by the Italian Space Agency for the decade 2010-2020, focussing in areas where Italy plays a significant role and leadership. It is difficult to identify a single topic that may be relevant in all the various fields of space activities, and that crosses all layers of the value chain (service, infrastructure space, enabling technologies). It was therefore considered appropriate to select topics that were enablers to achieving these priorities in areas where it Italy has significant role and leadership.
The project therefore aims in continuing developing the field of Earth Observation, emergency management (crisis management) and maintenance and enhancement of scientific knowledge with the development of appropriate scientific instruments and the analysis of their results. Independent access to space has a key role and it is a pillar of the European Space Policy. After an important contribution to the development of the supply chain of European launchers Ariane, Italy has taken a leadership role in development, implementation and financing of middle class launcher, Vega.
The project will also improve the Italian system’s capability in attracting funding, with a strong connection to the territorial policies identified by the different aerospatial districts (Lombardy, Piedmont, Lazio, Puglia, Campania) or from italian regions with strong presence of industrial and scientific importance and specific program agreements (eg, Tuscany , Umbria, Basilicata).