The Department programs and coordinates the scientific and technological research carried out in the network of CNR Institutes, with the aim of broadening the knowledge of planet Earth, considered as a complex system whose components, closely connected to each other, are at risk of possible irreversible state changes due to the growing anthropic impacts on climate and cryosphere, biodiversity, biogeochemical cycles, land use and hydrological cycle. It is therefore necessary not only to know more and more about the functioning of the earth system, in all its ways of operating even in the deep geological past, but also to understand what are the impacts of mankind and of an economy based on the maximisation of growth and exploitation of resources
The research activities carried out by the Institutes of the Department are therefore equally in the Earth and Environmental Sciences, including the study of geology, atmosphere, ice, ocean and terrestrial aquatic systems. The observation of the Earth system, the analysis of data (which are now environmental big data) and their inclusion in mathematical models contribute to the understanding of the physical, chemical and biological processes that regulate our planet and make it possible to predict the evolution of the Earth system in its various components and define the adaptations that will be necessary to cope with the new scenarios
The aim of the Department is to increase knowledge, help define solutions to global environmental challenges and provide policy makers with the information they need to understand and solve environmental, natural and, above all, anthropogenic problems. This will contribute to the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Appointed Members
Francesca M. Cotrufo
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA
Andrea Rinaldo
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, CH
Sabrina Speich
École Normale Supérieure, Paris, FR
Elected Members
Andrea Billi
Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria, Roma
Gian Luigi Liberti
Istituto di Scienze Marine, Roma
The Scientific Council of the Department was renewed by order of the CNR President no. 108 of 19.07.2019.
Contact us at:
Rita Barra
Tel: 0649932191
Roberto Bellucci
Tel: 0649933836
Paolo Braico
Tel: 0649933892
Margherita Cappelletto
Tel: 0649933490
Veronica Giuliano
Tel: 0649937625
Annalisa Iadanza
Tel: 0649932321
Maria Elena Martinotti
Tel: 0649933460
Luigi Mazari Villanova
Tel: 0649933895
Sonia Migliorini
Tel: 0649932365
Alessio Neri
Tel: 0649936217
Francesca Nuccetelli
Tel: 0649932164
Isabella Vitali
Tel: 0649932031
Sabina Di Franco
Tel: 0690672394
Gemma Aiello
Tel: 0815423820
Corrado Leone
Tel: 0817758819
Alessandro Cirioni
AdR Roma 1
Tel: 0690672458
Daniela Beatrici
Tel: 0645488568
Emiliano Liberatori
Tel: 0649932031
Sara Genovese
Tel: 0690672458
Angelo Domesi
AdR Roma 1
Tel: 0690672458
Simone Pecce
Tel: 0649933204