LTER-Italy is one of the twenty-six Long-Term Ecological Research networks (Long-Term Ecological Research) that make up the European Network (LTER-Europe) and is part of the LTER International (ILTER) Network.. It aims to monitor, analyse and understand changes and changes in ecosystems, both natural and human-induced, at local and global scales.
DANUBIUS-RI is a distributed pan-European research infrastructure that aims to support interdisciplinary research on large river-delta-sea systems, based on existing European excellence. Italy coordinates one of the 4 thematic Nodes of the infrastructure, the Modelling Node, and the Supersite ‘Po Delta and North Adriatic Lagoons’, concerning integrated in-situ, satellite and modelling data, providing services related to Tools 4 MSP, Models codes, Training material.
Europe and Italy are adopting a number of strategies and policies towards Africa that reflect a growing focus on the continent and a willingness to strengthen scientific cooperation and strategic partnerships there with a particular focus on initiatives to address the challenges of climate change and environmental protection.
ACTRIS (Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure) is a pan-European research infrastructure studying aerosols, clouds and trace gases for the understanding of atmospheric processes. ACTRIS is a distributed IR, with 8 facilities coordinating activities and services provided by a vast network of national observatories and facilities, including ACTRIS-Italy [https://actris .it /]
ECORD (European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling) is a distributed European research infrastructure aimed at the geological exploration of the oceanic subsurface for the reconstruction of the Planet’s history and dynamics, to which 14 European countries and Canada, including Italy, belong[https://www /]. ECORD is a core member of the International Ocean Drilling Programme IODP3 [https://iodp3 .org /]
is a European carbon observation network. Present in 16 countries with 170 stations, it monitors greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere and carbon fluxes between the atmosphere, land and oceans for climate change mitigation. The ICOS Italy Network[https://www /] consists of 25 stations, of which 15 for the ecosystem, 5 for the ocean and 5 for the atmosphere.
The ITINERIS (Italian Integrated Environmental Research Infrastructures System) project intends to build the Italian Hub of Research Infrastructures (RIs) for the observation and study of environmental processes in the atmospheric, marine, biosphere and geosphere domains, to systemise access to data and services of the national nodes of the 22 RIs involved
Capitale Naturale
The ‘Natural Capital and Resources for Italy’s Future’ project intends to characterise the biotic and abiotic resources available in our territory (including offshore), according to the principles of sustainable use of natural resources in the following areas: carbon storage and valorisation of CO2; raw materials; ecosystem services and biodiversity; soil status and sustainable use; groundwater; use of marine resources.
The CNR-DSSTTA STUPIRE – Scientific Transdisciplinary Unexplored Paths for Innovative Research on Environment call finances transdisciplinary research proposals on four themes: Resources, Territories, Relations and Changes. The call and subsequent acts are available on the CNR urp page
JPI Oceans
The European Joint Programming Initiative Sea and Oceans (JPI Oceans) is a strategic platform for the coordination of research funding programmes in the marine-maritime field. The Department has been actively contributing to the activities since 2011, in particular in the actions on Munitions at Sea and Good Environmental Status.